Assoc. Prof. Karlo Houra –⁠ invited speaker and tutor at the international anatomy course on endoscopic spine surgery

event 03.12.2021.

A few days ago, another international anatomy course on endoscopic spine surgery took place in Essen (Germany), organized by MaxMoreSpine, leader in the development of minimally invasive technologies.

Our neurosurgeon, Assoc. Prof. Karlo Houra, MD, PhD participated as one of the course leaders, invited speaker and tutor.

Aksis Special Hospital and MaxMoreSpine have been cooperating for many years in the promotion of minimally invasive endoscopic spine surgeries and the training of physicians around the world. A curiosity that we are proud of is certainly the fact that the founder of this company is also one of the pioneers of the endoscopic approach to spine surgery –⁠ the late Dr. Thomas Hoogland.

Our neurosurgeons Dr. Houra and Dr. Saftić not only have the most experience in endoscopic spine surgery in Croatia and this part of Europe, but also, thanks to their enviable level of skill and knowledge, they lead courses all over the world and teach others about these advanced and innovative minimally invasive techniques.

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